
  • Climate Change in South Asia; Way forward for Equity and Justice Informed Governance
    Activity Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - 09:30 UTC
    Duration: 120 min
    Brief Description:

    Climate change governance means dealing with multiple stresses like disaster, floods, droughts, heatwaves, sea level rise and other climate induced vulnerabilities. South Asian countries, many of them have taken nationally appropriate actions. However, how these actions and its governance addresses poor and most vulnerable populations and communities, and frontline communities who face disproportionate impacts? The discussion based on experiences of south Asian countries will inform climate change governance with equity and justice as central considerations.

    Language(s) of the Activity: English
    Others Proponent Organizations:

    MAUSAM, Movement for Advancing Understanding on Sustainability and Mutuality

    How to get in touch and participate in activity?:

    Contact (Email):

    Platform used for the transmission:

    Social networks or platforms used by the activity:

    zoom. us

    Cross-cutting space(s) of the activity: Pandemic