
  • UNEGRO - Black Union for Equality
    Pais: Brazil
    Cidade / subúrbio: SALVADOR
    Missão / resumo:

    The organization founded in Salvador, Bahia, in 1988.The trajectory of UNEGRO (Black Union for Equality )therefore has roots in a deep desire for social justice that took them to the streets and participating in building large demonstrations initiated by all the Black Movement and the various social movements on the local and national level, always waving the flag of equality and overcoming racism.
    In 32 years, the organization has participated the most important agendas of combatting racism in the country, notably the meetings, conferences and regional and national seminars of black men and women.

    Atividades principais: Equality
    Tipo de organização: Association
    Escala de ação: National
    Telefone: 31996561564