
  • School of nature
    Organisations promotrices:

    School of nature aims to make education contextually rooted and culturally relevant alongwith the indigenous communities.

    How promoting group is organized and criteria for considering inclusion of new entities in the group:
    Échelle: Local
    Type d'initiative: Lutte
    Domaine d'activité: Agroecology, Art, Biodiversity, Care, Children, Culture, Curriculum, Diversity, Ecology, Environmentally sustainable, Food sovereignty, Habitat, Natural environment, Nature, Philanthropy
    Localisation: In place
    Date d'action et calendrier général:
    Document: Download
    Public action n°1:

    Know school of nature

    Public action date n°1: ven, 01/29/2021 - 09:30
    Public action date n°2: jeu, 01/28/2021 - 00:00
    Public action date n°3: jeu, 01/28/2021 - 00:00