
  • RESISTÊNCIA PALESTINA: Eleições e desafios para 2021- com Dr. Bassem Naim, HAMAS; Jameel Mezer, FPLP; Jaime Abedrapo, Chile; e Dr. Murched Taha, Brasil.
    Activity Image
    Activity Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - 17:00 UTC
    Duration: 120 min
    Brief Description:

    Um debate com convidados palestinos e latino-americanos sobre o papel da resistência palestina contra a ocupação sionista e a realização das eleições que ocorrerão em dia 22/5 para o Conselho Legislativo (Parlamento); dia 31/7, para Presidente da Palestina; e 31/8, para o Conselho Nacional palestino.

    A debate with Palestinian and Latin American guests on the role of Palestinian resistance against the zionist occupation and the holding of elections that will take place on 5/22 for the Legislative Council (Parliament); 7/31, for President of Palestine; and 8/31, for the Palestinian National Council.

    Language(s) of the Activity: Spanish, Portuguese, Other/s
    Other/s Language(s) of the Activity:


    Proponent Organizations:
    Others Proponent Organizations:

    Council on International Relations - Palestine
    Jornalistas Livres

    How to get in touch and participate in activity?:

    Contact (Email):

    Platform used for the transmission:


    Social networks or platforms used by the activity:

    Link to the online meeting:

    Thematic space(s) of the activity: , ,
    Cross-cutting space(s) of the activity: Racism